Political Action

So many decisions that affect us are made in Nashville and Washington DC by politicians elected to represent us--and so often, they don’t. We need to grow our voice in politics. We do that two ways.
Political Action Fund
You can contribute a monthly donation--even if it's just small and mighty--to our Political Action Fund. The fund is controlled by us, and helps us support candidates who support us.
- Start contributing by filling out and submitting the bottom section of your membership form.
Legislative & Political Action Committee
You can also get involved by participating in our Legislative and Political Action Committee. The LPAC leads our successful policy advocacy work, and runs our grassroots lobbying program which culminates with an annual statewide lobbying mobilization.
- Contact: Tom Anderson, tom.anderson3865@gmail.com
Legislative Research Network
Join other UCW members in gathering data on issues facing campus workers, researching key decision makers and what motivates them, and monitoring higher education policies across the south.
- Contact: Kate Diedrick, kdiedrick@cwa-union.org