Leadership & Staff

United Campus Workers is a member-led, democratic organization. Our union belongs to us! Our leadership is made of campus workers from campuses across Tennessee, and we employee two full-time organizers and two part-time staff. The following leaders were elected by a vote of membership in 2024.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is the key decision making body. It consists of our core union officers:
- President: Mia Romano, Senior Lecturer at UTK
- Executive Vice President: Matthew Pamental, Senior Lecturer at the UTK
- Secretary: Caroline Mann, Staff at UTK
- Treasurer: Kathryn Hicks, Tenured Faculty at the University of Memphis
- East TN representative: Ethan Mills, Tenured Faculty at UTC
- Middle TN representative: Jakob Bruhns, Staff at Middle Tennessee State University
- West TN representative: Meghan Cullen, Staff at Middle Tennessee State University
- Policy & Campaign Committee Chair: David Veazy, Staff at UTC
Policy & Campaign Committee
The PCC is the largest elected representative body of our union, and is empowered to develop our political program and strategy, and lead our campaigns. The PCC consists of chapter and caucus chairs, regional delegates, and additional delegates proportional to chapter size.
- PCC Chairs: David Veazy, Staff at UTC
- UTK Chapter VP: Jason Davis
- MTSU Chapter VP: Spencer O'Neal
- Memphis Chapter VP: Amanda Lee Savage
- Additional UTK Delegates: David Raji, Jessica Westerhold, Jessica Budke, Elisha Brooks, Ed McDaniel
- ETSU Caucus Chair: Dennis Prater
- PSCC Caucus Chair: Robyn James
- TTU Caucus Chair: Troy Smith
- Chatt State Caucus Chair: Vacant
- East TN Regional Delegates: Vacant
- Middle TN Regional Delegates: Vacant
- West TN Regional Delegates: Vacant
Don't see your campus listed? There are open positions at each campus for members to serve on this body. Contact the organizer in your region (below) if you are interested in this role!
Our union employs three organizers to support the membership in each region of the state. Please contact the organizer in your region to get involved in current organizing campaigns or with questions about your membership.
- Lead TN Organizer: Allison Becha is UCW-CWA Local 3865's Lead Organizer. Contact her at allison@ucw-cwa.org.
- East TN Organizer: Dani Urquieta organizes at UTK, Pellissippi State, ETSU, Chatt State, and other campuses in the East TN region. Contact them at dani@ucw-cwa.org.
- Middle TN Organizer: Ashton Beatty organizes at MTSU, APSU, TTU, TSU, and other campuses in the Middle TN Region. Contact him at ashton@ucw-cwa.org.