Middle TN

Hundreds of faculty, staff, and graduate workers make up the union at MTSU. Together, we can be a voice for all of us who make the university run everyday but all too often are not given the say-so we deserve when it comes to decision making. We know that administrators and the politicians in Nashville have a lot of power, and by joining together into a strong organization with our coworkers we have power too.
We are fighting for graduate worker healthcare, across the board raises for all campus employees and living wages, and to stop the influence of the billionaire Koch Brothers at our public university. If you are interested in these efforts or have another issue you want to see changed, come to our next meeting!
Chapter VP: Kari Neely, Department of World Languages, Literature, and Cultures
Welcome to the Tennessee State University page of United Campus Workers! We are engaged in fights to restore missing funding to TSU caused by decades of racist underfunding, provide hazard pay and living wages to frontline workers and all workers making below $15 an hour, and implement a paid family leave policy for all faculty and staff.
Over the past few years, we have grown to be over 50 faculty and staff at APSU who care about issues like APSU's over reliance and low pay of adjunct faculty, implementation of merit pay systems, and lack of transparency and communication from the administration.
Tennessee Tech
At TTU, we are fighting outsourcing attempts, threats to faculty tenure and academic freedom, and merit pay systems that disproportionately benefit those already making the most. Join our union and join these fights.
To get involved in the Middle TN area, contact Allison Becha at allison@ucw-cwa.org.