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Update: U of Memphis Admin Suspends Plan to Privatize Adjunct and Temp Worker Social Security

From:Robynn Hopkins (rghopkns) on behalf of Maria Alam (malam)

Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 3:58 PM
To: All Faculty and Staff
Subject: Important HR Update (SSARP, ACA and FLSA)


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Department of Human Resources

Chief Human Resources Officer
171 Administration Bldg.
Memphis, TN 38152-3370
Office: 901.678.2867
Fax: 901.678.1518


Dear University Community:

Thank you for your support and feedback as we worked through the proposed changes to be able to implement federal and local programs such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Social Security Alternative Retirement Plan (SSARP) and the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines.  We heard your concerns and in our attempt to accommodate all issues raised and suggestions made, it has been determined that the Social Security Alternative Retirement Plan (SSARP) will not be implemented until further notice.


However, because we must comply with the FLSA as dictated by the Department of Labor and the ACA as mandated by the Federal government, we will, at this time, only focus on necessary changes associated with the implementation of these programs.



All temporary (non-student) employee assignments will be automatically terminated effective December 19, 2014. New temporary appointments must have an effective hire date of January 5, 2015 or later, and should have been received by Workforce Management last Friday, December 12, 2014 to be guaranteed a timely paycheck in January 2015. This does not apply to part-time faculty appointments.


For Temporary Employees:

·         If you have not completed an electronic employment application through the appropriate temporary pool in workforUM, please do so immediately.

o   The pools can be found by clicking the "Temporary" button on the top right corner of the page.

o   You DO NOT have to upload your resume, cover letter, etc. unless the hiring department requires you to do so.

·         If you already had an I-9, direct deposit, and W-4 on file with the University, you do not need to resubmit those documents.


For Hiring Departments:

·         If you haven’t already submitted a new Temporary Appointment Form for each temporary assignment, please complete and submit to Workforce Management (AD 165) immediately. The appointment forms were due on Friday, December 12; therefore, if they have not already been received by Human Resources, a January 5, 2015 start date nor the timely processing of a paycheck for the January 2015 payrolls can be guaranteed.

·         If you are planning to hire a temporary non-exempt (hourly paid) employee for 30 hours or more per week (e-class TE), a new position request (FP-02) form must be completed and submitted with the appointment form to Workforce Management (AD 165). This form is also required to establish a new e-class TH or e-class TS position.

·         Another new e-class (TR) has been established for those retired faculty and staff who will NOT work more than 900 hours per year AND will earn at least $455 per week. A new position request (FP-02) form must be completed and submitted with the appointment form to Workforce Management (AD 165) immediately.

·         If you need to utilize Kelly Services during December 20, 2014 - January 4, 2015, a Temporary Services Request Form should be submitted to Workforce Management (AD 165) immediately (deadline was December 12, 2014).

·         If you have students on monthly appointments (e-class SM), those assignments will terminate no later than December 31. New Student Payroll Action Forms, using e-class ST, should be submitted by the hiring department to the Student Employment Office.


The links to the required forms mentioned above follows:


·         Temporary Employee Appointment Form:


·         Temporary Services Request (Kelly Services) Form:


·         Form FP-02: New Position (Pooled):


·         WorkforUM Electronic Employment Application:


Thank you for your partnership and support through this process. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at


We wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season.



Maria Alam
AVP/Chief HR Officer


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The University of Memphis
A Tennessee Board of Regents Institution
An Equal Opportunity · Affirmative Action University