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Attend your union's 2018 Statewide Convention in Nashville September 29!

RSVP for United Campus Workers - CWA Local 3865's annual statewide convention! Join fellow higher education employees from across Tennessee at our yearly gathering to:
* Build connections
* Discuss strategies & successes
* Strengthen our campaigns
* Set the priorities for our union in 2019!

Register NOW at:

---> See proposed bylaws changes here!

Download a flyer here!

 Here are proposed changes to UCW-CWA Local 3865's Bylaws, introduced by members
(NOTE: they will be updated in this link up to the date of Convention, where members present will vote) 

This year's agenda builds on last year's theme of BUILDING POWER on our campuses and in the legislature.


Date: Saturday, September 29, 2018


Time: 9 am breakfast, 9:45 am - 4 pm program (agenda attached)


**NEW Location***: 531 Fairground Ct, Nashville, TN 37211 (MNEA building). We have had to change locations to accommodate the high number of registrations!


Parking: Members may park for free in the building's lot.


Car Pools: If you offered or requested a ride, look out for further information in the next week from the organizer in your area about meet up and travel plans.


After Party: Join us after convention for a special show & fundraiser for the union at Radio Cafe (4150 Gallatin Pike) featuring bands Savage Authority and Graduates Rise, fronted by UCW Member Dr. Cyn Corrigible! Doors at 6:30 pm. (Note: UCW will not be able to arrange overnight housing if folks from out of town are planning to stay for the after party. We will organize carpools so that no one is stranded!)


