2016 Labor & Change Teach-In & UCW Convention
Dear United Campus Workers member or supporter,
I would like to welcome you to attend the United Campus Workers 2016 Annual Convention. The past year we have seen a lot of exciting activity and growth in our local. We have taken up a huge fight with our Governor to protect facilities workers in our Tennessee is Not for Sale campaign, and we’ve stood alongside students and university workers to defend diversity programs at UT.
At this year’s convention, we invite you to join us for a weekend of reflection, learning, and inspiration. UCW first began with a Living Wage Teach-In 16 years ago. As we ready ourselves to dig in our heels and keep up our fight for another year, join us to reflect on building a movement for lasting change in our state at our Labor and Change Teach-In, October 28-29, 2016. Over two days, we’ll have sessions covering topics such as solidarity, intergenerational organizing, and grassroots power. For the full program, visit: tinyurl.com/LaborandChange. RSVP here. This event is free and open to the public, and lunch is provided both days.
I’d like to highlight our two fantastic keynote speakers. Friday at 4pm, we’ll hear from Dr. Frances Fox Piven, the foremost sociologist scholar-activist in the United States. Active in working on struggles for civil rights, welfare rights, voting rights and many more across decades, Dr. Piven will talk to us about coalition building, disruptive tactics, and interdependent power. Saturday, at 11:30am, Larry Cohen, former president of Communication Workers of America, and current chair of Our Revolution, a new progressive movement organizing to support a new generation of progressive leaders, will share insights from a lifetime of organizing in the labor movement.
PLEASE NOTE: Our business meeting (the Executive Board and the Policy & Campaigns Committee/PCC, though the meeting is open to all members) for convention will be held at 8:30am on Saturday, October 28 at the CWA union hall, 1415 Elm Street, Knoxville, TN. We encourage out-of-town member guests to RSVP as soon as possible so that we can make travel and carpool arrangements. If you have questions, please email Melanie at melanie@ucw-cwa.org or call 877-292-3865.
Diana Moyer
UCW-CWA Local 3865
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